Sunday, March 27, 2011

Work Day Wonder

Another work day has come and gone, leaving me in awe of what a group of dedicated and determined adults and kids can accomplish together when they set their minds to it. 

When I predicted beforehand that we would be able to get all the mulch spread in the playground quickly, I never dreamed that we would be completely finished with that task by 10:00 sharp. 

There was a lot of underutilized potential energy in the group at that point, so a group of dads took on removing the landscape timbers that Eric Billig put in a few years ago.

And, the children kept on working with the mulch, and everything else.

And Ari's dad, Joey, fixed the side yard gate!

Thank you, everyone who came and worked and socialized. The pickup truck drivers, who showed up at 7:30 a.m., at Whittlesey Landscape Supply (, loaded up, and hauled  back the mulch, deserve a special shout-out! And Whittlesey itself will get all of my mulch and dirt and rock business in the future, for asking, "Is it for a playground?" and then automatically giving $4 off per cubic yard. And, thanks to Cruz's mom, Laura, for taking most of the pictures shown above.

A lot of folks are commenting on how nice the Back Forty looks... I really have to give all the credit to the amazingly energetic Dave Campbell, who has routed the invasive coastal grass, not resting even in the heat of high summer, and never relenting in his quest to see that grass and its root structure gone. He has also mowed, hauled, built, and generally supported the dream of creating a farm--not to mention a log cabin--back there. James Abbott built our gorgeous and predator-proof chicken coop and pen that the grown chickens currently inhabit. And all of you make the emerging farm possible through your support of the Joyful Garden and my work with your children. My most heartfelt thanks go out to all of you!

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